May 25, 2010 at 5:04 am (Uncategorized)


Honorable members of the Human Species, we are pleased to inform you that your concerns for the future of Gaia your planetary mother are largely misplaced. She is strong and well and will not be destroyed by your depredations. She will live long and she will bear many more lives and many more species than she has so far.

Your Human Species however is in great danger of annihilation as a result of your own actions which are rapidly making Gaia’s womb uninhabitable by your kind.

We therefore choose to make to you, through your Earth Council Embassy, these submissions on Civilizational Transformation and Conscious Evolution which you may find useful in your attempts to respond to the challenges you face as a direct consequence of the underlying dynamics of your currently dominant global civilization.

These challenges arise from the obsessive cultivation of desires and the consequent compulsive search for their satisfaction, which is the obsessive compulsive dynamic that has generated your currently global civilization.

The critical situation you are faced with arises from the consequent increasing Human Population with its Rapid Resource Depletion and Pollution, compounded by an impending collapse of your global monetary system.

The response that we see as relevant and effective is the transformation of this civilization into one based on the perception of evolutionary potential with the conscious evolution of life through and beyond human being and its universal spread.

We know that this transformation requires that you move out of the currently Dominant Dualistic Perceptual Paradigm and into the emerging Non Dual one.

Those who have made and those who are engaged in making this movement are aware that this movement gives rise to “Connectivity” which makes it possible to generate a global network that can function as a Species Wide Perceptual Mechanism and as a Global Strategic Guidance System.

This will lead to a New Way to Live, a New Life For each one of You and a New World For you All.

We observe that some of you are becoming aware that the Human Species is undergoing a process of differentiation and that there are a few amongst you who already differ from the majority in the way that you see the world and yourselves and consequently in the way that you relate to yourselves and to your universal environment.

These few of you are those who have found your way out of the Dualistic Perceptual Paradigm that currently dominates the human perceptual apparatus and moved into the emerging Non Dual Perceptual Paradigm that seeks to emerge, consolidate itself, supersede and co exist with the currently Dominant Dualistic Perceptual Paradigm.

This movement out of the Dominant Dualistic Perceptual Paradigm and into the Non Dual one is required for Civilizational Transformation and Conscious Evolution. This movement has therefore to be facilitated, supported, and strengthened.

The contents of this submission consist of seven steps, which may be carried out concurrently, not necessarily in parallel but each according to the level it is permitted to reach or is able to attain in any given contextual moment.

i) Accept the movement from the Dominant Dualistic Perceptual Paradigm to the emerging Non Dual one, give wide publicity to processes that facilitate this movement and link up all those who are engaged in making this move with those who have already done so, thereby generating a Global Network that can function as a Species Wide Perceptual Mechanism and as a Global Strategic Guidance System that can Perceive Evolutionary Potential and guide the Human Species through Civilizational Transformation and Conscious Evolution towards the evolution of life through and beyond human being and to its universal spread.

ii) This Global Network to visualize and articulate the process of Civilizational Transformation and Conscious Evolution so that every Human Individual can clearly see the direction in which the Human Species is evolving and what the Human Species is likely to encounter along the way so that each Human Individual can be prepared to play its individual role in collectively facing the challenges that lie ahead.

iii) Set up The School of Life (SOL) to research and facilitate the function of “Connectivity” that is emerging amongst those who have moved out of the Dominant Dualistic Perceptual Paradigm and into the emerging Non Dual one since this is likely to become a new way of communicating and a new way of bonding that will have far reaching implications for all our social institutions and their internal processes including the processes of governance, and which will formulate initiate and sustain new Primary Formative Processes that will allow you to be more than Human in hitherto unknown ways.

iv) Clearly articulate the new Civilizational Objectives, which shall include the conscious evolution of life through and beyond Human Being and its universal spread.

v) Recognize that planetary resources that you have access to are finite and conduct an audit and make an inventory of remaining planetary resources and make projected estimates of how long they will last given current Human Population and its growth rates and make an assessment of the environmental impact of your patterns of consumption so that these patterns may be modified in ways that ensure the conservation of available resources and their utilization towards the new Civilizational Objectives.

vi) Expose the obsessive generation of desires and the consequent compulsive search for their satisfaction through the consumption of your environment that is the meaninglessness that has generated the currently dominant global civilization and make its Obsessive Compulsive Nature clear for all to see.

vii) Formulate and initiate processes that facilitate the Deconstruction of Sexuality, the Reformulation of Processes of Production and Reproduction, the Delinking of Access to Commodities from Access to Wages, the Redeployment of Technologies and the Redesigning of Habitat and Infrastructure.

As has always been the case, we who have crossed over and who therefore are no longer human, are ready to be of assistance in whatever way possible in every possible field should our assistance be requested.

You will require volunteers to engage these tasks and we suggest that you begin immediately, the task of identifying and activating all those who can come forward to do so.

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